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Monday, January 22, 2018

The BEST Healthy Zuppa Toscana

The BEST Healthy Zuppa Toscana

I Shoveled 6 inches of snow this weekend! I would not normally be cheering for snow, but this is our first big snowstorm this entire season, so we were all pretty happy when the cold brought snow along with its frosty winds.

When I finished, I wanted soup. Soup that warms your insides and you have to take off the sweater you are wearing just to keep warm in the house. Soup that is even better the second and third go-around. Soup that feels just as good to eat as it is for you! You know what I mean?

Well, I really enjoy the soup from Olive Garden, but I know that most soups are full of sodium, quickly prepared beans or grains or broths that can be more health-challenging, than health-promoting. So, I made my own version. And my husband complimented me on it all evening! SUCCESS!

Enjoy all you want- I've doubled the recipe for you, so when you are satisfied for the evening, place the remaining soup in a Freezer-safe bag and save it another night. In a hurry the next week and need to throw something in the crockpot? No dinner plans, and you've arrived home with a limited amount of time to feed a hungry tribe? Healthy, nourishing and delicious dinner DONE and DONE!

Yield: 8-15 ServingsPin it

Zuppa Toscana- a Healthy Rendition

prep time: 5 MINScook time: 20 MINStotal time: 25 mins
A Healthy rendition of Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana- less unwanted fats, more protein, and a wonderful dose of healthy vegetable with cauliflower as the secret ingredient to a creamy, delicious soup on a cold day!


2   Tbsp. Coconut or olive oil

5  C. Chicken or vegetable broth, divided
1   C. Whole Milk
1   Head, cauliflower, rinsed, stem removed and broken into florets
6  Medium yellow or red potatoes, diced in medium-sized chunks
1   Bunch of Kale, rinsed and leaves removed from stems
1   Pkg. Organic Chicken sausage- Nitrate free (4 sausages)
1   Medium onion, diced
2  Cloves garlic, minced (or substitute 2 tsp. Garlic powder)
1 ½ tsp. Natural sea salt
Pepper to taste


 In a large stockpot on medium heat, add oil. When heated, add garlic and onion, and cover, sauteeing only a couple of minutes, or until onion is softened. Be careful not to let the garlic burn! Add sausage and simmer, cover again for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally until sausage is heated through. Roughly tear kale leaves and add kale and potatoes, and 1 c, broth. Stir, and cover again allowing kale and potatoes to soften, about 5-10 minutes. Add remaining broth, salt and pepper, and return to a simmer for about 10 minutes or until potatoes are soft to the prick of a fork.

 While soup is simmering, in a separate pot, add 1 cup water, and bring to a boil. Add cauliflower, and steam for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and using an immersion blender, or separate blender, blend cauliflower and 1 c. milk until combined and smooth.
 Remove soup from heat. Combine cauliflower puree and soup, stirring until combined, and heated through.

Serve with a side salad or breadsticks, and you have a delicious, Italian-style meal for a cold day!


I have doubled this recipe for you, so take your remaining soup. Pour it into a Ziploc Bag, and freeze it for another meal! Busy night dinner plans? Done and Done!
Created using The Recipes Generator

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