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Whole Wheat and Oatmeal Pancakes

I make these on a regular basis, because my kids like pancakes, and I like to make them- especially when I can make them healthy! So, try th...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Homemade Hand Soap

This is a very basic recipe for liquid hand soap that I received from a friend. Thank you, Anna Frost!
I am going to try my hand at foaming hand wash and then share it with you, but until then, here it what I do for our hand soap at home. It is ridiculously inexpensive, and if you have any essential oils or personal touches you like to add, then it truly becomes your own.
Enjoy this recipe, and tell me what you do to improve or enhance it!

Liquid Hand Soap

1 bar of natural soap (like Ivory or J&J's natural bars)
1 gallon water

Grate 1 bar of soap into 1 gallon of water. Heat on stovetop, stirring occasionally until soap has dissolved. Cover and let sit for 24 hours. Add 40-50 drops of essential oils, if desired. Afterwards, use an immersion blender and mix until you have an even consistency. Store until ready to use, or pour into dispensable bottles, and enjoy!

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